Wednesday, February 9, 2011

February 7th

hello mother
Transfers are this week, I am staying in Lindsay, but my companion Elder Wheadon is going to oOakville, and my new companion is Elder Jung, he is Korean, serving as a Korean missionary. He is pretty cool from what I hear, I hope he likes ping pong though. The amazing news this week is we were able to find 2 new investigators. Not only that, we also comitted them to be baptised on march 20! It was really great, one of them is Krystal, and the other is her friend Megan. Krystal is 26,and Megan her friend is 19. I am pretty excited, we are probably going to turn them over to the ysa elders, but we will be able to teach them because they live far away from Oshawa. That's crazy that Elder Vance is already coming home. The work has been really good, and we are hoping to contact a referral that just moved up here from Whitby tonight. There is a cd from Jericho road called day of rest, I would like that cd if you could get it for me. and also if you could find the Hims by voicemale, I have hims 2. but that is all I can think of. I love you a lot. Have a great week.
Your Elder

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

December 13 2010

hello mom,
I don't know of a time yet that we will call you at, president Eyre is pondering about the skype, and so i'll have Linda give you a call this week when we find everything out. I hope you guys our doing well, it turns out there's a table tennis table in pretty much all the areas all over the mission. Also if you can find the music cd the Garden, at the bookstore, I would really appreciate that. I don't have too much that happened this week, it's been a struggle for finding people to teach, but we are going to work harder than ever to find those that are prepared. I've been working with the members more this past week, especially less actives,
I love you a lot
Elder Dumouchel
PS.It dropped to minus 10 this morning, but I think its going to warm up later today.

December 6 2010

hello mother & father.
I'm glad to hear that you week was pretty good.I am glad to hear that that you are still doing the missionary work, it must remind you of you times in France, while you were serving the lord as a full-time missionary. My companion thinks it weird that I don't miss home or want to go home, but I am really loving being out on a mission at this time. The weather is getting a bit colder now, we've hit a wopping -6. I know its a lot colder in Calgary at the moment. The Christmas season went a bit awry on us. We had our investigator Emma come out to the special nativity thing that our ward does each year, but when she showed up we found out very quickly through her manerisms and language that she was completely wasted. It was the first of 2 nights that the program was going on, and we stayed outside with her, to make it so that she didn't disturb the peace of the program, and chapel. We were doing a great job, she was opening up to us, telling us her concerns and everything, but then, she had to go to the washroom, and thats where it turned upside down. She ended up being sick and some random lady called the paramedics. When the paramedics arrived, it was just at the time that everybody wanted to go to the refreshment room, accross the church, and our elders quorum president made us leave for crowd control, but we were the only ones who knew Emma, so that made a bad situation worse, and she ended up dropping us, thinking we had called the cops. A life saver was that a 16 year old girl from the ward was actually talking to our investigator in the bathroom for about 20 minutes, and we owe her big time. So we are going to make cookies for her with a thankyou note on it. Emma had her friend call us, and we were able to explain to her friend that we did not call the cops, but that it was some random non menber lady. We are still hoping and praying for the best, but it was definitely a trial. After the paramedics left to bring her home, I went into the washroom, and I offered up a mighty prayer to God, for Emma, and I cried, and continued in prayer, asking if what happened was what was supposed to happen, and for comfort, and for Emma. tThen I read in the new testament for a bit, and it talked about loving the child of God, and it was very comforting. I'm gld to hear that your week went better. have another great week.
If you can send my table tennis raquet to me that would be great, i found out that I will actually have a use for it. I did send off the package, and I did receive the package you sent me. Have fun doing the fondant without me. have a great week.
Elder Dumouchel

November 29 2010

hi mom
We can go on the byu bookstore sight, they even give us flyers for it, in case we want anything. If you get me a CD, there is one called "The Garden" it's a musical about the Garden of Eden, and the music is really good. I'm the senior companion in this companionship, a few of the things that we have found in common, is we work out together each night, & we both like card and board games. lol. I will send the package today, I didn't get your other emails until today, so I didn't know that Br. Mullen was coming that early. You don't have to reimburce me for everything, but Sears has some really good deals on boots, and zellers had some good deals on long sleeve shirts, so im going to check them out. You will be getting over 300 pictures in the package, and if you remember, there will be some things in there for elder Jerowskies mom, not a lot though. You will be happy to know my eyes don't really buldge that bad anymore, most people can't even tell, so thats good. This week has been really exciting though. Rick, our investigator who was waiting for the marriage certificate, got it on Friday. as soon as his divorce is finalized he will get married and baptized. Most likely in December. Also we met with Stefan on Tuesday, and the lesson went really well. We had brother Jewer come along, it was right just then to commit him for baptism, but I have faith that he will be baptized, because he is really trying to be open, and he was prepared by the Lord to hear this message. He also has a friend that was interested as well about the Mormon church, so we are really hoping to be able to teach them both. Emma our investigator with a baptism date, has lost some of her desire to read and pray, so we are going to try to meet with her 2 times a week to see if we can regain that desire. Also I was able to commit Doug to come to church every week from now on, if he does that, he will be able to be baptized. This week has been a wonderful week of blessings from the Lord, and I will continue to do my all to be worthy of these amazing miracles that he has and will give us.
love Elder Dumouchel

November 22,2010

Hello mother
I am doing well out here, my new companion is Elder Kinikini, he is half Tongan, and half Samoan, but he's a cool guy. He is actually from Sandy Utah though, but doesn't know the Mendenhalls. Our special night time companion thing is going to be a hardcore workout to get ripped, for me anyways, he's just trying to cut the fat, but were having a great time doing the Lords work. Please don't send too too much candy, I had a lot after holloween, and that extra box you sent me was a bit too much. Thankyou for sending that stuff though, where did you get the over shoes from? The weather out here has been getting slightly colder, we"re down to about 5 degrees average per day. No snow yet, but it is raining right now. Thats good that Kurt and Troy are moving forward in their preparations. I am excited to hear where Kurt is going. I don't know if I really need anything else, I think I'm good. I don't need anymore cake or cookie or brownie mix's, I sitll haven't found the time to make the ones I have yet. I'm not sure if I'll ever find the time, but I might give them to members to make for me or something. That's about all I have to write today, I hope you are doing well, one last question, have you heard from any of my nonmember friends? If not, would you be able to give the Wheelers, the site that has all my information on it, the missionary site, if you've made one.
love you a lot
Elder Dumouchel

Monday, November 15, 2010

November 15 2010

Hey mom
It was great to hear of your stories. I am going to be staying in
Cobourg, and my new companion is Elder Kinikini, elder Jerowsky is heading to Oakville south. I'm glad to hear Kurt is almost done his papers, it'll be pretty funny if he gets sent out here, then I could train him lol. Yesterday we met with, for the first time, a potential investigator who elder jerowsky had known for 7 months. she hadn't been taught before because she was always drunk, but she's looking to change her life around. She is 45, and single, we brought our ward mission leader with us, and that appointment comitted her for baptism on Dec 19. She accepted! It was a really good lesson. She is divorced, her husband and her son live in Alberta, but her daughter is going to school out here, and visits her every other week. Yesterday was an awesome day. We saw the blessings and miracles that the Lord had in store for us. We are looking at around 3 baptisms for Dec. The work is really going great in Cobourg, and I hope that we can continue in this great work. I love you a lot, I did receive the package, and I will be sending my package out before Wednesday. Have a great week.
Elder Dumouchel

November 8 2010

Hey mom,
Sorry but this email will be short. We had to pick up a new car, a chevy malibu, from Toronto. Where is Kurt Sonata going? I'm really sorry to hear about Ross's mom, that is probably going to be hard on him. I still haven't sent out my package yet, but I have everything I need to send it off, expect in a week or so. Everything is going great out here, Doug one of our baptism dates, will have to be rescheduled, he keeps leaving town every Sunday, and he hasn't been out once yet, but he will be baptised. Rick, our other baptism date, hasn't gotten his marriage certificate yet, please pray that the government will hurry up just a bit. I think he was able to get all the divorce stuff completed, just waiting on the government. I love you guys a lot, transfers are this next week, so I'll fill you in. We had my first sick day on Saturday, we were too sick to go out, and got permission to stay in. I'm all better now.
Elder Dumouchel